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The Real Reason 

Your Forever Love  

Will End In A

Painful Breakup 

(Unless You Do This)

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Before You Watch This Free Video…

I need to warn you:

The information I’m about to reveal will make your relationship the strongest it’s ever been…
Or break you up completely.
It’s never in-between.
I’m going to tell you why he’s so distant…
Where his mind really is…
And the secret for never confusing his words…
For what he really means…
And wants.

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Hii I’m Ella Edwards.

I’m going to reveal the real reason behind every single argument you’ve ever had.

And how to hear the words he isn’t… and doesn’t know how to say.

So, if you’re currently in a relationship that feels like it’s barely hanging in the balance…
Keep watching at your own discretion.
 I’m not a psychologist, a psychiatrist, or a certified relationship coach. But I discovered why the burning flame we feel for each other… Completely fizzles out in the blink of an eye. I discovered what the REAL Love Language of successful relationships is… And how to “speak it.”

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This Relationship Secret Gives You The Tools...

to find out if he really is your perfect match.
And more importantly…
How to make your perfect relationship possible. My goal in putting out this information isn’t to cause you pain… But give
you the “ears” to “hear” what he's really saying…
Why he won’t fully commit…

Or Why He Feels Like A Ghost In Your Relationship…

Even when he’s sitting right next to you. I have just one caveat: Never, ever change to keep your man. It’s normal for people to get complacent in relationships… And take each other for granted… Getting stuck in toxic ruts. Sometimes we get relationship belly. Sometimes we get stuck in boring, life-sucking daily routines. Sometimes we lose the lover’s spark and feel more like roommates. Whatever’s going on in your relationship… You’re not here to change or become someone else to make him happy. You’re here for yourself, because you deserve to feel happy AF… With or without him. That said… I’m going to reveal how this simple sound…

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Can Resurrect Relationships Meant For So Much More Than Just Being Another Grave

In The Toxic Relationship Cemetery.

Now, when it comes to love…
We’re taught to listen with our hearts…
And not think with our heads.
“Why is he ghosting me?”
"Does he actually like me?”
“He feels so far away, what did I do wrong?” We take our emotions…
And feed them into the big anxiety machine we call our mind.
Until we’ve told ourselves every bad story we can about how, “The love we once had just isn’t the same anymore.”
But fairytales, Rom-Coms, and even top relationship experts have it all wrong.
Your love and attraction for him doesn’t come from your head or your heart.

You Literally Have A Love Organ.

Until Your Inevitable Break Up.

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It’s not your heart… And no, I’m not talking about your sex organs either. Scientists call the Love Organ your 2nd Brain. Yup, as little girls… We’re taught to think with the wrong brain! Using the brain in your head only creates more distance between you and your man…

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For me, it always used start the same way: I meet a man I’m attracted to… We’re up until dawn talking… Going on thrilling dates whenever we can… And getting completely drunk off of each other’s energy. You know what I’m talking about, right? That “I’ll never get enough of you” feeling sweeps over you.

You’ve Got This,“I Feel Like I’ve Known You Forever” Energy Vibrating Through You.

He brings out a version of yourself you’ve never been.

That’s what makes him so effing hot. But… Letting a man inside of me… literally and spiritually… is a double-edged sword. With my Love Organ… I can feel when he’s “there;” when he’s present… And when he’s a million miles away… totally disconnected from me. This is the 2nd Brain at work. When you get these invisible, empathetic, intuitive messages… And you don’t understand them… And they trigger thoughts like,

What’s He Thinking About? Who’s He Thinking About?

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Because it’s Definitely Not Me.”

Your 2nd Brain connection, with him, gives you the superpower to FEEL when his energy is disconnected from yours…
And more importantly, why. There’s never a gray area about where his mind is, what he’s feeling, and whether or not he’s truly committed to you…
When you know how to do this stuff.
Personally speaking…
It’s incredibly painful when I know he’s anywhere but here… with me.
Your 2nd Brain connection, with him, gives you the superpower to FEEL when his energy is disconnected from yours…
And more importantly, why.
There’s never a gray area about where his mind is, what he’s feeling, and whether or not he’s truly committed to you… When you know how to do this stuff.
Personally speaking…
It’s incredibly painful when I know he’s anywhere but here… with me. It’s like watching him disappear from us right before my eyes.
There comes a point when he gets so disconnected from me; from us… I
can feel the end of the relationship approaching.
Can you relate to that?

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In Those First Few Months… 

The Attraction Is Intoxicating… 

The Passion Is Overwhelming… 

And The Sex Is Sometimes All I Can Think About.

I Feel Alive And Free… Yet Safe…

I don’t even just mean the physical act of sex…
But the way our energies play together when we have sex.
I feel alive and free… yet safe…
like I can take on the world with him by my side.
And I know I’ve finally found the person I can build a life with. But then something shifts.

You know the shift I’m talking about, right?
Suddenly the ground is crumbling underneath me and I’m scrambling to fix it. The passion is gone and he barely looks at me anymore.
So of course I’m planning fun dates… buying him presents… dressing up in my hottest outfits… putting makeup on… anything to make him notice, right?
Anything to make him look at me the way he once did. Anything to get us back on track to building the future we’d imagined together; the future I still want to see happen.

I keep chasing what we had, trying to get that spark back… But he just gets more irritated and resentful at everything I do.

I Have To Ask Myself, “Why Bother Putting In The Effort, If He’s Soooo Annoyed By My Attempts To Reconnect?”

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One day it hits me like a ton of bricks:
What we had is gone. I’m left wondering what went wrong.
“Is there something wrong with me?” “Did I not do enough?” “What could I have done better to make him stay?”
And the biggest question…
“What changed?”
“How did I go from being the light of his life… his home… the sexiest woman on the planet to him… to being an annoyance, a drag, someone he couldn’t wait to get away from? Someone he couldn’t stand to be around?”
The thing is… We’re not equipped with relationship training when we’re teenagers. We get our love advice from TikTok and our favorite YouTubers. Before YouTube, it was Cosmopolitan Magazine. Not the stuff of lasting, happy relationships. So we don’t always know the right things to say or do.
But what about the things we feel?

The Things We KNOW…

Without Our Man Speaking So Much As A Word?

Those things… those feelings… are real.
These intuitive knowings are what form our thoughts… And the story we’re telling about “us.”
Which is where we often go wrong…
Because we choose the story we’ve created in our head over the gut feeling that’s telling us the truth. But can you blame us?

We Go Through Our.. 

Entire Lives Having Our Intuition and Empathy Invalidated…

Even though it’s the realest relationship  communication there is.
And whether we’re “listening” or not…

It’s what we don’t say that sets the tone for our relationships.

Here’s What I Mean:

You Know Those “Spiritual Pictures” that try to Demonstrate Telepathy? Like This?

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Well, it’s not just the brain in our heads doing the “talking.” You’re literally mirroring everything from him… and the outside world…
Through the “antennas” in your 2nd brain..

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The truth about love is…
Your 2nd brain is smarter than your main brain will ever be.

In fact, Your Love Organ Does 99% of Your Communication…

And Most People Don’t Even Know it Exists…

Or how it works.
This one thing is at the core of why most relationships; relationships that could have been yours forever… Die a very painful death.
Now, the reason relationships break up…
Even when people are madly in-love underneath all the arguing and disconnection…
Is reacting to each other’s words; reacting to your relationship circumstances.

I mean, how many times have you said the exact opposite of what you mean…
When you’re fighting with him?
How many times have you said things like, “Why are we even together?”
When all you really want is for him to hold you… Love you… And tell you, “Everything’s going to be okay baby, I promise.”
He does the same thing.

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He Attacks You, Makes you Wrong, Compares His Experience With Yours…

Or flat out ignores you. He does that when all he really wants is to feel as excited and in-love with you…

As he did in the beginning.

The bad news is…

As long as you’re reacting to his words…

And not his ENERGY…

Your happily ever after could easily end tomorrow…

Because You Really Are Always One Fight..

Away From Quickly Becoming Total Strangers.

Your lives go from being completely intertwined…
To ignoring each other when you awkwardly see him in public.
That’s what happens when your 1st Brain runs the show. The good news is…
There’s a reason BOTH of you fall into the same sabotaging, destructive habits, traps and behavior.

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Your Relationship Hard Drive is like...

Is like your mental file cabinet of “what he did to me,” or “what he didn’t do for me” and “relationships are hard work!”

Your Relationship Hard Drive stores all of your old stories, trauma, disappointment, broken hearts, and even your beliefs about men, and how they always end up hurting you.
This is your brain’s subconscious at work. And your subconscious is what’s really in-control of pretty much everything you do. How much in control?

Get This:

Your Subconscious Controls 95% of Your Attention.

That means… Your subconscious controls 95% of your thoughts, feelings, money talk, beliefs, preferences, judgements, your desire to give, and your ability to receive.
They’re all “programs” stored on your Relationship Hard Drive. When too many programs are stored in your Relationship Hard Drive…
It’s easy to feel doomed to repeat toxic, lashing out, reacting-to-each-other mistakes. We throw our hurt in each other’s faces during arguments as a protective mechanism.

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Hurt People… Hurt People… Right?

But what’s really going on in the 2nd Brain that’s perpetuating each other’s hurt?

The two main Relationship Hormones are:
1. Dopamine
2. Cortisol
When men have too much cortisol… They’re emotionally distant.
Because for him, you become a symbol of stress.

“Honey, Can You Take Out The Trash?”

Boom, cortisol.

“Baby, I know you’re busy, but I really need to talk.”

Boom, cortisol.

That’s why he acts resistant to your affection.
He’s rejecting it.
He’s rejecting anything that might spike more cortisol.

I call Cortisol the Relationship Libido Killer.


Dopamine is his Loyalty Switch.

The First Time You Kiss...

The First Time You See Each Other Naked...

The First Time He Tells You He Loves You...

But… As we get comfortable with each other…
And we run out of all those butterfly-inducing first-times… The excitement and attraction quickly starts fading. What I’m telling you is…

For a Relationship to Survive, You Have to Know The Secrets For Constantly Triggering His Dopamine.

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Relationships lose their passion… When everyday feels like the same story. Lots of comfortable repetition. This comfortable repetition doesn’t just stop triggering dopamine… It produces lots and lots of cortisol. Because neither one of you gets the “new” you need… On a daily basis. It’s just like what happened to Jamie and Jon. Jamie came to me when her and Jon’s relationship got so toxic…
Every conversation turned into a heated yelling match.

Jamie Said,“

I can’t live like this, I’m close to leaving. I don’t like who I become when we fight. I never want to be that person again. I can’t focus at work, I’m stress-eating, gaining weight and the only time we kiss is politely hello and goodbye.”